
Market Highlights, Current Industry Trends, & Opportunities

We are pleased to share our industry expertise through Briefings. Briefings are complementary online highlighting the market forecasts, current industry trends, growth opportunities, and strategies of key companies present in the energy storage market.

CATL Unveils TENER, the World’s First Five-Year Zero Degradation Energy Storage System with 6.25MWh Capacity

CATL, the leading manufacturer of lithium-ion batteries, has made a significant return to the spotlight within the stationary Energy Storage sector with the introduction of its new product, TENER. This system has been touted as an innovative solution within the energy storage landscape. Let’s delve into the details to understand what it is and its novelty : TENER achieves 6.25<div ...

In-Depth Report : MACSE

đź“Ł Excited to share my latest In-Depth Report about the upcoming TERNA’s Storage Capacity Auction MACSE Initiative (Electrical Storage Capacity Procurement Mechanism) 🌱🔋. It is Now Available ! “In Depth Report about Macse” Time-Shifting Energy Storage Auction Shaping The Italian Storage Landscape 🔎 Report Highlights Include: • An in-depth ...

ElettricitĂ  Futura : “NĂ©cessitĂ© d’accroitre les capacitĂ©s de stockage en Italie, mais le processus d’autorisation reste problĂ©matique”

Pour atteindre un mix Ă©nergĂ©tique en Italie composĂ© de 70 Ă  80% de sources renouvelables d’ici 2030, un besoin en capacitĂ©s de stockage d’environ 80 GWh est essentiel. Agostino Re Rebaudengo, le PrĂ©sident de ElettricitĂ  Futura, insiste sur la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’accĂ©lĂ©rer les processus d’autorisation et de diversifier les technologies de stockage. Il met Ă©galement en ...

L’Italie, un marché en devenir pour le stockage d’énergie

4 mars 2020 Tous les experts s’accordent à dire que l’Italie est l’un des marchés du stockage d’énergie des plus dynamiques. Cela est dû, entre autres, à la consolidation du cadre juridique, à l’éclaircissement des questions autrefois ambiguës concernant les avantages fiscaux, au regain d’intérêt pour les nouvelles technologies, et à la demande des clients d’électricité ...